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Admit it, you did it! |
When I was younger I saw the typical American teens' series of high school, where they all with 15 years had an hectic life, (though as all they were adult actors they seemed to be a bit older) but I've realized that now they're like me, or rather, I'm like them.
Having a boyfriend, going away to a house of a friend when his parents aren't that weekend, to worry for getting good marks and to join a good university, growing by the way (or supposedly to mature), and all these things that they were saying to us that we would happen some day. Everything seemed to be more enterteining, easy and interesting in the TV.
It's a topic that when you're young you wanna grow and when you do it you wanna return to the 15. Often I have thought that many of the things that we do are because we feel a spice of " social obligation ", and if not, why to mature, or to feel as an adult when you want to return to be a teenager, why many things of our life they have been decided when we are only 15 or 16 years old if we can still change?
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What I feel, what people think Iam and what I don't wanna be... |
All of this I've sayed to be able to summarize it in this paragraph with the reason to get you bored with this philosophical roll. I've grown, I know it because now I'm of the major ones, though I feel small. I want to win, to obtain my dreams, to be of the best, but it turns out that someone decides for me if I can or not, and in a time (really shortly, certainly) already I will not have possibilities, 0, anything.
I began this post because I was going to speak about how strange it's to seem being older, to be a young woman, to feel like an adult, and consider yourself a child; but I end up by speaking how the final decision is not ours, and it doesn't seem to me to be right. If we fight and live for obtaining something, it should be our decision if we can or not to obtain it.
at least now...
"Just feel good with who you are, not with what people want you to be" - TheSecretTeenager